Tuesday, March 28


What is happening to the world today?
How can humans be capable of such evils?
Why is it so hard to be good?
Why aren’t people good?
For money and power they will do anything.
Don’t point your finger.
We are all humans.
We are watching what is happening and we are doing nothing.
We point our finger and think there is nothing we can do.
It is so shameful…the state we have reached.
We preach religion while we hate.
Millions die from hunger and disease while we pump billions of dollars weekly into funding war.
Nations wander blindly.
Is the one who sees equal to the one who is blind?
Fear drives people. Not love, justice, or even logic.
Fund our fear.
We need someone to fear.
And what about the few honorable people left?
Those who strive for good in this world.
We can’t have them getting in our way.
Take everything they have.
Ware them to their core and toss them into a pit.
Why not?
Look at them, they have beards.
No one will care.
No one will even notice.
Fund some more fear.
Wave our flag and smile.
The people will rally around us.
The lies are all so blatant and open.
Is the one who is deaf equal to the one who can hear?
Deaf and blind, wandering in the desert of routine.
Bills, work, bills, work.
Feeding off of deceit.
No time for questioning.
No time to think.
Numb to our world.
Better yet, immersed in our world.


What days are we living in
Great evil who’s source is hidden from view
Masters of manipulation
The truth they render askew

Brilliance is used for evil
A small profit for this worldly life
What means the least? The people
Wandering in pain and strife

Time only worsens our reality
Ignorance and inability to change
Allah alone can save humanity
Islam has become something strange

Day to day is the only way to cope
Simple necessity is what is in need
As we cling to Allah’s rope
The rich are consumed by their greed

How much longer must this go on
Sometimes our faith grows weak
Tomorrow reveals a new dawn
Another day, thankful we can see and speak

The truth is there for all to see
Yet the fires of disbelief continue to burn
Death is imminent, on this we agree
To Allah we belong, and to Him we return


SubhanAllah. We never know when our time will come. The moment of our death could be a mere 5 minutes away. If we could see that moment, everything in our lives would, most likely change. Let us ponder for a moment about what death really is. Our death. Every single one of us will die. So? That’s it, no more life. Our time in this world is brief. We should always remember this. Two hundred years from now, chances are that no one will care about you or me.

We are so small. Just think about the billions of galaxies surrounding our planet. Each of those galaxies filled with billions of stars, many of which make our sun look small. SubhanAllah. Then here we are, worried about things like phones, hair, and matching shoes. I know, we can’t help but be human. Allah created us this way, but Allah gave us brains and eyes to use to look around and see how small we are compared to the vastness of His creation. When we keep this in perspective, we are in awe at Allah’s might and power. The blessings He has given us that we take for granted each day. Sunshine, that provides a constant supply of free warmth, without which none of us would be here. A brain that is so complex, we don’t even understand it yet. Even so, we still use it everyday without even trying. Good food, and a lot of it. We have so many blessings from Allah. What better way to show our gratitude and thanks to Allah than by obeying Him. Allah only asks us to do things that are good for us and for humanity so… what is holding us back? Just trust that Allah knows what He’s talking about and listen to Him. If you don’t listen and follow Allah then who are you going to listen to? People? Popular opinion? SubhanAllah.

Allah gave us life and to Him we shall return to stand before Allah. Think about it. Standing before Allah and He asks you to explain everything you did. May Allah forgive us all and guide us to Him and keep us on His path InshaAllah so when we do meet the moment of our death, we can be of those that receive glad tidings.


Allah tests us, and in and through His tests we are taught what it means to be a Muslim – what it means to submit to Allah. When we cry out for worldly pleasures and comforts Allah is there to guide us through to Him. The pain runs deep but knowing you have Allah somehow enables you to live through sacrifice after sacrifice. When Allah is the most important, it is possible to live without – to give up what you love, what you want, what presents itself to you day after day. Although I cry and suffer so immensely (I feel), I am scared of the other alternative; the life of satisfaction and pleasure at the expense of a life of Islam. No matter how hard my trials become and no matter how much I ask Allah for ease, may He never allow me to stray from Him. Hardship and sacrifice with Allah, although painful, is better than ease and pleasure without Him.

Please O Allah, forgive me and help me to bear through this with patience and obedience to You. Guide my way and bestow on me Your sight and Your hearing. Allah, give me strength and firmness and protect me from shaitan.


Allah says only
Be, and it is
He sees and knows what we cannot
Blindfolded, walking through the woods
Sometimes its is scary and painful
When we trip and fall
We ask O Allah! Why must I hurt?
Ya Allah please smooth my path and make it easy
Unbeknownst to us, our fall removed us from the tiger’s view
And brought us to worship Allah and seek His help
Hajar watched her husband go
Trusting only in Allah
Allah’s decree is what it is
We cannot escape it
We should not fight it
Be moderate in our happiness and grief
Strive to be near Allah
Trust the hand that guides you
Allah’s decree is the best
Be grateful, this you understand