Saturday, August 20


I know what the American people stand for; I have seen the goodness, the kindness. I have experienced the compassion of the American people. Why can’t the rest of the world see it? I stand for peace, I stand for justice. I oppose terrorism, suicide bombings, and the killing of the innocent, of women and children. We must stop the people who are promoting violence and hatred no matter what country they are from, even if they are within our own government. We have to listen to the pain of the rest of the world; they are trying to tell us that it is not freedom they hate, it is not Americans they hate, it is the policies of our government. So let’s make sure that the policies of our government reflect what the people want. Our government is designed to represent the people of the United States of America, not to try to convince Americans what is right for them. If the policies of our government are what is perpetuating wars, hatred, and terrorism, then we are the ones who should change those policies. If the policies of the United States government are causing more people to join terrorist organizations, causing more people to hate what America is becoming, then we are the ones who must stand up and act for change.

It is not unpatriotic to stand for justice, to stand for what America once was and should be. We cannot let our country continue on down the path of war and violence that it has embarked upon. Yes, our country was attacked, but we cannot win this war by giving the terrorists more hate-filled recruits. Americans cannot allow our government to do whatever it wants. The power is with the people, and if we truly believe this, if we truly stand for peace, then we must stop allowing our government to run itself. We cannot just let our government lie to us in order to achieve some self-appointed purpose.

Why does the most powerful government in the world have to lie to its people, to get their support? Something dark is happening here, and there is no one who can stop it except “We the people.” The American people are the only ones who have the power to stop the recklessness of our current government. We have to show the people of the world that they are not our enemy. We need to show the people of the world that we will not allow this arrogant and irresponsible behavior to continue, because it is not the way of the American people. This is the way to fight terrorism. We must help those who need help, listen to those who are reaching out to us. Americans need to live by example, for the rest of the world to follow.

Tuesday, August 16


Islam has declared women and men equals in the eyes of God and gave women many rights 1400 years before women in America went through the struggle to gain their right to vote. In the 1800s a woman’s right to own property was still being debated in England. Islam had guaranteed women this right around the year 610 by direct revelation from God. Islam sees every woman, married or unmarried, as an individual in her own right. She has the same right to own property, earn wealth and spend it as a man has. Her wealth does not become the property of her husband after marriage or divorce. A woman has the right to choose whom she marries and, when married, does not change her last name, out of respect for her lineage. A woman can seek divorce if her marriage does not work out.

Economically, each man and woman is an independent legal entity. Men and women have the right to own their individual property, engage in business, and inherit from others. Both have the equal right to receive an education and to enter into gainful employment, as long as Islamic principles are not violated.

Many people perceive Islam as a chauvinistic religion that belittles women. They cite the condition of women in some “Muslim countries” to prove this point. Unfortunately, oppressive practices against women that exist in certain parts of the world have mistakenly been associated with Islam by some people. Their mistake is failing to separate the culture of a given people from the true teachings of the religion they may profess. It is appalling that today the oppression of women still exists in many cultures around the world. Women in many Third World countries live horrible lives. They are dominated by men and denied many basic human rights. This does not apply to Muslim countries alone, nor does it apply to all Muslim countries. Islam condemns this oppression. It is a tragic injustice to blame these cultural practices on religious beliefs when the teachings of the religion do not call for such behavior. The teachings of Islam forbid the oppression of women and clearly emphasize that men and women are to be respected equally.

“The believers, men and women, are (helpers, supporters, friends) of one another; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give charity and obey God and His Messenger. Those God will have mercy upon them. Indeed, God is exalted in might and wise.” (Qur’an 9:71)

“Never will I allow to be lost the work of (any) worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another...” (Qur’an 3:195)


The term “Islamism” is an invented term. It cannot be used to refer both to Islam and Muslims and to those terrorists who hold extreme, even un-Islamic beliefs. The monotheistic religion of Muslims already has a name. It is called Islam. Islam, as a faith, means total, sincere surrender to God so one can live in peace and tranquility. Islam does not promote or teach terrorism, and the great majority of Muslims do not accept or endorse the brutal acts of terrorists. There is no need for the word Islamism unless you are going to use it to refer to something other than Islam. The use of the word Islamism has helped to effectively blur the line that distinguishes Islam and Muslims from the extreme unfounded beliefs of terrorists.

Monday, August 15


Women and men are equal before God. Both are accountable before God. They equally receive their reward in the Hereafter for their faith and good deeds.

Marriage is strongly encouraged and is both a legal agreement and a sacred bond. Islam sees every woman, married or unmarried, as an individual in her own right. She has the same right to own property, earn wealth and spend it as a man has. Her wealth does not become the property of her husband after marriage or divorce. A woman has the right to choose whom she marries and, when married, does not change her last name, out of respect for her lineage. A woman can seek divorce if her marriage does not work out.

Economically, each man and woman is an independent legal entity. Men and women have the right to own their individual property, engage in business, and inherit from others. Both have the equal right to receive an education and to enter into gainful employment, as long as Islamic principles are not violated.

Seeking knowledge is the obligation of every Muslim, male or female. The type of knowledge that is most emphasized is religious knowledge. It is also required within a society to have professionals of both genders available for the benefit of the public. For example, society requires doctors, teachers, counselors, social workers, and many other important vocations. When there is a shortage of qualified personnel, it may become obligatory for women or men to gain expertise in these fields to fulfill the needs of the Muslim community. In this situation, the guidelines of Islam are to be upheld.

Women are encouraged to seek Islamic knowledge, pursue their academic endeavors within the framework of Islam, and strive to fulfill their intellectual curiosity. To prevent anyone from getting an education is contrary to the teachings of Islam.

A man is responsible for maintaining and protecting his family and providing the basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter for his wife, children, and (if needed) other female relatives in the household. Women are not primarily responsible for this, even if married. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the most perfect in faith among believers is he who is best in manners to his wife.